Why Is It Taking So Much Time To Hear Feedback During My Job Search?
Searching for a job has always been a nerve wracking process for most people. Since covid19/pandemic hit, recruiters have seen a much greater lag in getting feedback from hiring managers on candidates. Remember: HIRING MANAGERS ARE THE DECISION MAKERS. Recruiters are facilitators.
For job seekers, keep in mind that hiring managers generally have a greater demand on their time right now:
· Family (they may also have kids at home 24x7 and need to juggle their family responsibilities). We need to remember that there is life outside of the regular work day.
· Managing remote teams including onboarding — it is much more challenging manage a remote team that is used to being in the office together. Even with Zoom, IM/chat, Slack, cell phones and every other tool — connecting is still challenging if you are used to walking over to someone’s desk to ask a question or problem-solve. Multiply that by the number of people they are managing
· Accountability to leadership — especially as we enter Q4 for a lot of companies: managers are working on budgeting (including hiring plans) for 2021. There are a LOT of factors that covid19 are throwing into this process. On top of that, leadership is looking for more frequent and more granular information on day-to-day workings. Prepping this information takes time, and hiring managers will ALWAYS prioritize leadership communications
· Providing high-level leadership for initiatives and projects. Hiring Managers are a conduit to information, and in today’s business culture, most hiring managers are trying to be transparent, and there are significantly MORE factors during covid19 in play which has a downstream effect on *everything*.
Bottom line: don’t panic if there is a lag in time for feedback after phone screens or interviews.